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Michelle Hurst

Faded Memories

I watched from the side of the stage. I watched my daughter, Tamara stride across the stage with immense confidence, working the crowd as she did, the place was rocking. The audience was electric tonight and I could see she was feeding off their reactions as she performed.

As Tamara sang, her words were being sung back to her by everyone in the auditorium, which, from experience, has to be the greatest accolade you can feel. You could sense the love and admiration Tamara’s fans had for her. She smiled, waved and blew kisses to those standing so close, they could virtually touch her. The joy and excitement in their young faces as they looked up to my daughter was an overwhelming feeling.


This always concerned me, what if someone were overzealous and pulled her into the crowd, she wouldn’t stand a chance and could be seriously injured. Nowadays, it seems everyone wants a part of you, albeit physically or mentally. However, Tamara has employed a good security team. Thomas & Co. were the best in the business and ensured Tamara was always safe. This was the only way she was allowed to go on tour, if she employed a good security team to accompany her, after all, she was only 15. I came into a lot of media criticism for letting her perform so young in large auditoriums. I was 12 when I started in the business, and the only thing that has changed is the scrutiny, from fame-hungry journalists. Who is going to get the scoop that earns them millions of pounds and be famous for five minutes? As much as the media want to be your friend to get the ‘story’, they can knock you down as quickly as they have built you up.


I know this business, and how cruel it can be. I know there are opportunists out there, as well as those you need to keep at arm’s length. I have been there, I have been Tamara. Playing in sold-out stadiums, numerous nights in a row, various countries within one week. But I also know how wrong it can go at the flip of a switch.

Going from being adored by millions of fans and entertaining in different countries to what is now my faded dreams as I watch my daughter follow in my footsteps as she hypnotises the crowd with her voice.

The stage goes black and the band continue to play as Tamara quickly runs off stage to change her outfit for the next set of songs on her playlist.

“Well mum, can you read the crowd tonight? Are they enjoying themselves?” Tamara asked as she stripped off her short skirt and heavily diamante top.

“They are loving every minute Tamara, I don’t think there is a single person seated anymore. I’m sure they are all dancing and singing.” I replied as I held her next outfit out to her.

She slipped into the tight leather trousers with great ease and pulled on another diamante top in a different colour. I stepped back as her make-up artist and hair stylist came forward, this was their 1 minute of prep time, getting Tamara back out on stage as fresh as a daisy. Another lady was slipping Tamara’s feet into her favourite cowboy boots while she was getting primped and preened.

“One thing sweetheart,” I said as I moved closer to her. “Can you please be careful when you are near the edge? I know Thomas is there, and looks out for you but please just be careful.”

“Yes mum, don’t worry Thomas has everything covered. He won’t let anyone get close to me. You can relax and enjoy the show.” She hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. “Love you, mum”.

The distinctive three-bar beat started to sound from the stage area, and I could feel the heavy drum beating time with my heartbeat as Tamara ran to the side of the stage and waited for the stadium to fall silent and the stage to be in darkness.

Tamara made her way onto the stage and stood on her spot with her back to the audience, one arm pointing skyward while the other was by her side with the microphone in her hand. She didn’t like the wireless hands-free mics and preferred to go old school while performing. The three-bar beat sounded again and played for thirty seconds when a white strobe light lit up Tamara in silhouette. I knew Tamara would be counting herself in and as she turned her head to the audience she shouted through the mic “Do you want action?” A loud cheer came from the audience and Tamara shouted again, “Do you want action?” The stadium went crazy this time, she pushed them into a frenzy to get the best reaction. As she turned on stage she shouted back to her audience, “I Want Action.”

All the lights came on in that instance, Tamara spun around and she began her cover version of Poison’s song, I Want Action.

As I stood and watched my daughter perform at a packed stadium I couldn’t help but feel a sense of sheer pride. I could watch her perform all day, she was amazing, she had the audience in the palm of her hand and if she sang to them, they sang back. She got her singing talent from my side of the family. I only hope she doesn’t inherit my vocal cord problems which is what put an end to my dreams of singing and entertaining, otherwise we would be out there as a duo. But for now, I will support and protect my daughter to the ends of the earth in whatever career path she decides to choose to follow.

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