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Michelle Hurst

Cars, kids, homework and PE day

So I have the car from hell! It is a 7 seater which is absolutely fantastic, especially when you need a trip to Ikea for one thing and come home with flat pack furniture for nearly room in the house. It cost me £900 at the time, but oh boy I would say more than twice that has been spent on it, replacing bits, fixing it etc! And lo and behold it needs to go into the garage yet again to be fixed, I must have contacted at least 3 different mechanics to get it booked in with little success but an angel was watching over this morning and it's now booked in next Wednesay. Cue the happy dance!

I think it knows I hate it because now, just to be even more annoying, the flamin alarm kept going off last night at 1.00 am. I am sure my neighbours loved me!

The kids, yes are back at school and all their after-school activities have started again, which is fantastic, but now my life is not my own and I'm just jealous because they have a better social life than me, and I'm back to being a taxi driver with the car that hates me.

Homework has also started this week, well for one of my kids (the youngest) and they, the teachers, say it should only take 20mins to complete the homework. Yeah in what universe? It takes me 20mins to get him to get it out of his bag and sit at the table and then to concentrate. Why cant it just be reading, spelling, and tables?

So up this morning at 7.00 am, get the biggest one out to get his bus for school. All good! Waken the other one at 8.00 am to take him to school. Look in on him 20mins later - big mistake, should have been earlier - he's lying back down on the bed, nearly asleep. Tell him I'm leaving in 5 mins. He gets up and Sittingrushes to get dressed, grabs his lunch, his bag, his coat and we get into the car (the one that hates me), and get to the school. Sititng in the car park he turns and says to me "mummy what day is it?"

"Thursday son, why?"

"It's PE day."

Shiiiiit! Child is sitting in the car in his school uniform!

Drop him into school, go back home, get his PE gear, go back to the school and leave it with his teacher.

Can this day just be over please?

But we arent done yet. Pick-ups have to be done, then after-school clubs this evening, plus dinner in between. Then hopefully I can get to sleep without my car alarm waking the whole neighbourhood!

Am I writing today? Yes I need to escape into my own little world.

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